Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jewish victim of Palestinian attackers and media.

Jewish victim of Palestinian attackers and media.

I read this old article on one website and come to know the truth that how media mis-guide the issues and misinterpret as they want.

We always heard about Palestine as a victim and Israel as a attacker. There is a big campaign against Israel to show how the Palestine is suffering from Israel's attack. But the following incident will show how the truth get hidden.
The incident happens on eve of Rosh Hashana ( "Jewish  New Year " )
20-year-old Jewish student from Chicago,studying at a yeshiva in Jerusalem was with his friends in the cab to visit the Western Wall. The cab driver taken shortcut through one of the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem. Suddenly the mob of 40 Palestinian attcks there car with stones.

Afterwords the guys were severely beaten and stabbed brutally by the mob of Palestinian Arabs.

A Israeli soldier protect this guy from the evil mob of Palestinian Arabs.

See the picture, where both victim & protector are present.

But, New York Times, Associated Press and other major media outlets published a photo of a young man -- bloodied and battered -- crouching beneath a club-wielding Israeli policeman. The caption identified him as a Palestinian victim of the recent riots -- with the clear implication that the Israeli soldier is the one who beat him..

The real victim said :-
'When a photo gets published, there are many links in the chain, and in this case, I don't know where the fault for the garbled caption lies. But it is deeply disturbing that the New York Times, the Associated Press (and everyone else in-between) assumed that if it's a victim, it must be a Palestinian'

I think in India we all are same victims of the media. We never know the truth behind the scene. There is always a question mark on media's role. When there is a attack on Hindu in this country, there is no one from media raise their voice against it, but vice versa media always try to sympathies Muslim, christian community and blamed Hindu's for it.

Now it's time to know the truth behind the real selfish face of the media!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ya..but you know the people who are playin this politics are Mainly from Hindu community
    and they know that if they give sympathy to other communities thay will get famous among the people
    And they have got best partner called do all such things....

    i think...when this media people stop listening of such people...then only it is possible to keep faith on news...
